The Electoral Committee of the Maryland Green Party welcomes members to declare their intent to run for public office with the Green Party. As an organization with a twenty-year history of nominating candidates for public office, we work to assist and support candidates as they seek to promote Green values while in elected office. Declarations of intent to run for public office may be filed with the Maryland State Board of Elections. Candidates for office are reminded of the following:
The Maryland Green Party's nomination process for 2024 elections is here. Please contact [email protected] with any questions regarding this process.
Candidates for federal office (U.S. House and Senate) will be nominated by a party-run primary election held in July of 2024. Until the nomination is complete, candidates may refer to themselves as "candidates for the Maryland Green Party nomination". Until they are officially nominated, candidates should avoid implying party support or endorsement of their campaigns and/or using the Maryland Green Party's logo as part of their campaign materials.
Candidates must comply at all times with applicable state or federal campaign finance laws. These include establishing and maintaining the appropriate state or federal campaign finance entity and bank account. Candidates must properly identify online campaign materials (social media pages, websites, etc.) with the legally required authority line. Candidates should ensure that proper donation requirements are included on their campaign donation pages (see this page for model language that complies with the MGP fiscal policy).
Candidates must understand that the Maryland Green Party is currently not ballot-qualified and must collect 10,000 signatures of Maryland voters by August 2024 in order to once again be recognized as a political party. Candidates are strongly encouraged to devote time, effort, and resources to collecting signatures for the Maryland Green Party. More information on the party's ballot access drive is here.
Candidates should familiarize themselves with the full Green Party platform. While many party members are attracted to the Green Party because of a few key issues important to them, it is important to take time to understand the variety of platform stances that Green Party candidates may be expected to defend. While 100% adherence to the full party platform is not required, candidates should understand that they may be privately or publicly called on to explain any disagreements with the party platform.