Voting Period
The voting period runs from November 20th at Noon until December 11th at Noon.
In order for votes to be counted, voters must be registered voters in the state of Maryland affiliated with the Green Party.
Individuals who are unable to register to vote due to legal status may sign an internal MGP document that expresses their intention to be counted as MGP decision-making members. This includes persons who are not U.S. citizens, persons who are incarcerated, and persons under 18 years of age. Members must be at least 16 years old.
Ballot Request
Ballots must be requested by contacting [email protected] or by submitting our Ballot Request form on our website. When making your request please provide your full name, your zipcode, and your date of birth. Ballots submitted without a request will be rejected.
Paper ballots are available by request from [email protected] . Requests are due by 11/26/2021 and ballots must be received by the time ballots are counted on 12/11/2021
Tabulation will be done by Opavote.
Preliminary Announcement will be made by 7:00 PM 12/11/2021
Any dispute of the results must be filed by 7:00 PM on Tuesday 12/14/2021
Dispute Resolution
Dispute resolution will be done by the Assembly Committee and the Bylaw committee with in 7 days.
Lists of Ballots Requested and Ballots Cast
To be the best of the ability MGP, a list of ballots requested and ballots submitted will be maintained and updated. A read-only link will be available to all who request it. The list will include the name of the person requesting or submitting the ballot and the date of request and the date the ballot was cast.