President Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday that will dramatically harm communities across the country by undoing the already limited climate change protections set in place under the Clean Power Plan, the country’s first national limit on dangerous carbon pollution from power plants.
Instead of supporting clean jobs for the future, Trump’s order rescinds at least six executive orders that would have curbed climate change and regulated carbon emissions, including preparing for the impact of climate change and outlining the growing threat to national security that climate change poses.
Under the Obama Administration, the White House opened much of the offshore United States to new oil drilling, gave Shell Oil the green light to drill in Alaska's Beaufort Sea, auctioned off 316 million tons of taxpayer-owned coal in Wyoming's Powder River basin -- the emissions from which would equal the carbon produced from 109 million cars, and allowed Kentucky to weaken a crucial regulation, making it easier for mountaintop-removal coal mining to continue.
The Trump Administration is attacking an already anemic program to fight the devastating effects of climate change.
Because we believe that human societies must function with the understanding that we are part of and not separate from nature, and we remain focused on the future and strive for sustainable practices, the Maryland Green Party continues to stand with working families and communities of color who are hardest hit by this nation’s deference to corporate profit over the health of our families and the environment in which we live. At the March for Science on Earth Day, April 22nd, and the People’s Climate March on April 29th, members of the Green Party will rally with thousands of other Americans to protect our collective health and the safety of our water, soil, air, and planet.