Letter from the Maryland Green Party to our Supporters

Dear Supporter,

Tomorrow we will be sending out our September newsletter, but before then we want to talk to you about our ballot access initiative.

We’ll cut to the chase; we are asking every supporter to help us get back on the ballot by doing the following:

  1. Download and Print our petition
  2. Complete and Sign our petition
  3. Mail the signed petition to the party
  4. Donate to the petition drive -- every dollar counts!

Why are we asking this of you?

We need to collect 10,000 valid signatures from Maryland voters to regain ballot access, but we are aiming for 15,000 signatures, because the Maryland state board of elections will surely throw some of them out. 

We already have several thousand signatures, but we still have a long way to go. We need your help! 

Click here to download the petition and instructions on how to collect signatures.

What happened and what should I do?

Six months ago, the Board of Elections notified registered Greens that the party had been temporarily de-certified. Registered Greens were asked to change party affiliation, or to register as “Other- Green”;  and many were left with the impression that the Green Party was no more. Fortunately we are very much alive and active! 

We need your help to collect valid signatures to get back on the ballot. Anyone over 18 years old  can collect signatures. Even if you can only collect a few from your family, friends, and neighbors, every signature gets us closer to the goal!

We are asking you to download the petition, get 5 signatures from friends and family, then mail the petition to the address listed on the form. 

How else can I help?

In addition to asking our supporters to help gather signatures, we are also hiring a part time ballot access coordinator. Each $15 you donate pays for an hour of their wages as they help us gather the 15,000 signatures we need. 

Donate $15 Today to pay for an hour of work for our ballot access coordinator

Thank you for your support,


Maryland Green Party


