The Green Party Presidential Primary is underway. Please visit for information on the process.
In the Maryland Green Party, we will make a mail-in ballot available in May 2016. The final vote and tabulation of the ballots will occur at The MGP Assembly and Presidential Nominating Convention.
MGP Assembly and Presidential Nominating Convention
Sunday, June 12, 2016
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Attention Maryland Greens!
The location of the MGP Assembly is changing, we will announce the new location shortly.
At the Convention, we will total all of the presidential ballots, and determine the number of delegates awarded to each candidate. The Maryland Green Party has a total of 6 delegate slots. The 6 delegates will join Green Party delegates from across the nation at the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston, Texas on August 4th – 7th.
(If you are interested in becoming an MGP delegate, please plan to attend the MGP Assembly and Presidential Nominating Convention on June 12th. Please check back here for updates and details).