Endorsed! Maryland Green Party candidates win labor support and community endorsements across the state

Fielding the largest group of candidates in its history, the Maryland Green Party has won endorsements at unprecedented levels for the November 2018 elections. More endorsements are expected to be announced in the remaining days leading to the election.

Ian Schlakman and Reverend Annie Chambers, the Maryland Green Party’s gubernatorial candidates who recently made a substantial radio and online radio ad purchase that will reach voters throughout the state, said, “We are proud to be at the top of this record-setting ticket. The Green Party is running more candidates than ever in this year's election, including five strong candidates for House of Delegates in Baltimore, groundbreaking new candidacies in Western Maryland, and great Congressional candidates.”

Joshua Harris, running for delegate in the state’s 40th district, was endorsed by The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500 -- the first time a labor union has ever endorsed a Green Party candidate in Maryland. Harris was also the only political candidate endorsed by the Greater Baltimore Democratic Socialists of America.

Andy Ellis, state delegate candidate, was the only Green candidate to receive the endorsement of Baltimore Women United PAC.

Ellis and Green delegate candidate Glenn Ross are running together in the 45th district, and both received the endorsements by Green Party 2016 Vice-President candidate Ajamu Baraka, Maryland Green Party 2016 U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Margaret Flowers, and journalist and activist Chris Hedges. In addition, Ellis also received the endorsement of Dayvon Love, Director of Public Policy for Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle.

SEIU Local 500 also made financial donations to both Harris’ and Ellis’ campaigns.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 24 made a financial donation to Steve Wollett who is running for Allegany County Commissioner.

Tim Willard, running for Montgomery County Council, won the endorsement of Our Revolution of Montgomery County.

State Delegate candidate in Maryland’s 41st district, Dr. Drew Pate was endorsed by Clinicians For Progressive Care.

Acknowledging their groundbreaking efforts in western Maryland, Daniel DelMonte, candidate for Delegate 1C, Michael Leptic and Steve Wollett, Allegany County Commissioner candidates, and Wayne Hedrick, candidate for Cumberland City Council all received endorsements by the Women's Action Coalition of Greater Allegany County

Leptic and Hedrick also received endorsements from Cumberland City Councilman Eugene Frazier. Additionally, Frazier made a voter recommendation stating Wollett is "another good choice" for county commissioner.

The growing support of Green Party candidates from organizations and individuals across the state show the importance of building an alternative movement to the corporate parties. The substantive media coverage* the Green Party candidates have earned also demonstrates voters’ desire for better political representation. Only when voters have real choices on the ballot and true representation can the needs of working families in Maryland finally be met.

*The Maryland Green Party and its impressive slate of candidates will soon be featured in an in-depth story by the Washington Post Magazine.


The Maryland Green Party is Maryland's ballot-qualified progressive party. We are committed to the values of ecology, social justice, grassroots democracy, and non-violence. Maryland Green Party candidates run at the local, state, and federal levels. For more information please contact the Maryland Green Party at [email protected], 410-691-3204.