2024 Assembly

Our annual meeting featuring discussions of key issues, updates on party activities, and candidate announcements.

Planned schedule:

Noon – 12:30 Doors Open

12:30 – 12:40 Welcome, Intro, Year-End Report Decisions

12:40 – 1:20 Keynote Speaker: Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition presenter

1:20 – 2:20 Workshop: How To Make the Case for the Green Party in the Era of Trump. Panel of speakers that highlights the way that different people address the spoiler argument and make the case for the Green Party.

2:20 – 2:35 Break

2:35 – 2:45 Election Results

2:45 – 3:25 Workshop: Getting the Green Party on the Ballot. Ballot Access training, practice, and rally. 

3:25 – 3:30 Announcements, Thank Yous 

*The Baltimore County Public Library does not promote or endorse the views of the program sponsors or presenters.*

Nancy Wallace Liv Romano Claudia Barber Tim Willard Bahareh Negahban fredrick saddic Dana Polson Charlotte McBrearty Mary Rooker Jill Resh Cynthia Marshall Robert Brooking Kizzy Burton

Will you come?