MGP Statement of Solidarity Following Maduro Assassination Attempt
The Maryland Green Party condemns the attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and laments the wounding of seven military personnel in yesterday's bomb attack in Caracas by opposition terrorists and their international allies.
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Candidate For Governor Ian Schlakman Secures Green Nomination
Unopposed seeking the Green Party nomination for Governor and Lt. Governor, Ian Schlakman and Rev. Annie Chambers, respectively, have officially been nominated to represent the Green Party on the General Election ballot in November of 2018.
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Joint Action Alert From Maryland Green Party General Assembly Candidates
SB-122 is a dangerous crime bill being pushed through the Maryland General Assembly that will use the most ineffective and expensive approach to reducing crime. It creates unnecessarily longer sentences and mandatory minimum sentences that will have a racially unfair impact on Black, Brown, and poor people in communities already targeted by over policing and mass incarceration. It will place a hefty cost on the backs of Maryland taxpayers, as it will greatly expand prison populations. Each Maryland prisoner costs $44,600 per year to incarcerate.
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Maryland Green Leadership Unanimously Endorses Fight For Fifteen
The Maryland Green Party unanimously endorses HB 664 / SB 543. This measure would increase the minimum wage in Maryland to $15 an hour, in phases, by 2023. Beginning in 2024, the minimum wage would be indexed for inflation only to be further increased. By 2025, the tipped wage in Maryland would also be $15. In 2026, the tip credit amount as part of the wage of certain employees would become prohibited.
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Amazing Year of Growth: More to Come in 2018
The Maryland Green Party has had an amazing year of growth and activity. We expect 2018 to be even better but we need your help.
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