Put the Maryland Green Party on the ballot!
You can make sure voters have the choice to vote Green in 2020 - we can't publicly petition while the COVID-19 crisis is ongoing, so read below for instructions on how you can help the Green Party in these unusual circumstances
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Outgoing Delegate Switches To Green Party - Via The Montgomery County Sentinel
The Maryland Green Party will have its first lawmaker in Annapolis as outgoing Democratic Del. Shane Robinson declared he is switching party affiliations.
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Endorsed! Maryland Green Party candidates win labor support and community endorsements across the state
Fielding the largest group of candidates in its history, the Maryland Green Party has won endorsements at unprecedented levels for the November 2018 elections. More endorsements are expected to be announced in the remaining days leading to the election.
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Ajamu Baraka Endorses Steven "Andy" Ellis and Glenn Ross
This Endorsement Statement comes via GreenTeam45.Com
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Baltimore Civil Rights Leader Marvin "Doc" Cheatham on Why He Joined the Green Party
Marvin "Doc" Cheatham is a longtime leader in the Baltimore civil rights community. After many years as a Democrat, he decided it was time to become a Green. Watch the video below to hear why.
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