Greens in Hagerstown and all over Washington County are calling for a local Green New Deal. Join the effort at our organizing meeting, either in person or virtually via Zoom. RSVP using the form at the bottom of the page.
We want Green Energy. We want Green Jobs. If the Democrats and Republicans can't make a Green New Deal, then it's time for the Green Party to get the job done. We wrote the original Green New Deal after all!
This event will connect you with local and state Green Party organizers. We will all work together to outline a path towards a strong Washington County Green Party.
Attendees will learn about specific opportunities for them to contribute to the local effort for a Green New Deal. Attendees will also take away a better understanding of how the Green Party is organized at the local, county, state, national and global levels. You will be excited about the many ways you can make an impact!
What would a Green New Deal look like for families in Washington County?
- Green Energy
- Green Jobs
- More Green in your Wallet!
- December 11, 2021 at 11:30am – 1pm
Beacon House at Mulberry Lofts
20 W Washington St
Suite B100
Hagerstown, MD 21740
United States
Google map and directions - 20 people are going
- Charlotte McBrearty