September 2023 CC Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Mary Rooker (Co-Chair), Charlotte McBrearty (Co-Chair), Tim Willard (Treasurer), John Robison (Parliamentarian), Bill Barry (Baltimore City Local Delegate), Nancy Wallace (Montgomery County Local Delegate), Harry Isaksson (At-Large Delegate), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Andy Ellis (Observer)

Quorum is at least half of voting CC members. At the start of the meeting 7 were present. 
Officer reports:  

Mary (Co-Chair) - Ballot Access Committee has appointed Andy Ellis to supervisor Andrew Messick as Ballot Access Coordinator

Tim (Treasurer) - report had been sent via e-mail; $9,500 in state account, $1,600 in federal account

Brian (Secretary) - not present on call, minutes of August meeting had been sent to Coordinating Council previously by e-mail 

August CC meeting minutes were approved with no objections. 

Result of Loomio votes: Forum Moderation Policy was approved with 89% approval

Local Reports: 

Montgomery County (Nancy) - the local recently held a picnic that was well-attended, representatives from the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition attended, BACC had a legal appeal approved by a state court, it is considering some direct action activities 

Baltimore City (Bill, Andy) - two upcoming tabling events in Baltimore, BGP Steering Committee nominations are open until 10/29, platform writing is in process 

Committee Reports: 

Ballot Access (Andy) - 1,393 signatures in hand, approximately 200-500 still to be collected; Cornel West campaign has sent the MGP about fifty potential volunteers; the Committee has been discussing how to legally work with Presidential campaigns so anything of value they contribute (i.e. volunteer lists) to the ballot access effort can be legally recorded and no unlawful coordination occurs; the Committee will work with any Presidential or local campaigns on ballot access efforts; Andy Messick is working on an e-blast promoting petitioning events; events are also set up in NationBuilder to let volunteers sign up for an event

Bylaws (Mary) - Brian should be convening this committee, next regularly-scheduled opportunity for bylaws amendments will be at next summer's assembly 

Electoral (Mary) - Presidential candidates page has been posted, several candidates have expressed interest in being listed and the Secretary is following up with them; nine candidates have filed Statement of Candidacy with the FEC, only one of those has (Jasmine Sherman) has requested to be listed on the MGP Presidential candidates page but she did not file her Statement of Candidacy with a Green affiliation; Electoral Committee will be re-convening by October 31, 2023, Mary and Brian are members, John Robison volunteers to join

GPUS Committee Updates:

Green National Committee votes - 

Proposal 1155 (GPUS Calls for Ceasefire to End Ukraine War) adopted
Proposal 1157 (Approval of Samuel Chance as GPUS Forum Manager) adopted
Proposal 1158 (Approval of Shannel Pittman as GPUS Forum Manager) adopted
Proposal 1159 (Approval of Richard Giovanoni as GPUS Forum Manager) adopted

Animal Rights Committee - no update

Lavender Caucus - no update

Women's Caucus - officer elections underway

Platform Committee - accepting platform amendments until January 31, 2024; state parties and GPUS Caucuses and some GPUS Committee may submit amendments

Old Business: 

Media/communications policy - online discussion should continue in anticipation of a formal policy 

Conflict Resolution Group - John Robison and Dana Polson have expressed interest, in search of additional volunteers

New Business:

Discussion of Requirements for Listing on Presidential Candidate page - current policy is unclear and clarification on requirement on party affiliation may be necessary; Jasmine Sherman has requested a listing but is listed as "No Party Affiliation" on her FEC Statement of Candidacy, Andy was told that this was because the North Carolina Green Party was not ballot qualified at the time of her filing but since has become qualified and she is most likely currently affiliated with the Green Party, agreement to follow up with Jasmine Sherman's campaign to clarify her party affiliation

Next meeting is October 24, upcoming meetings are November 28 and December 19, 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.