Our Latest Projects and Why We Need Your Financial Support

Dear Friends, 

Thank you for your continued support of the Maryland Green Party. We're happy to be able to reach out to you at such an exciting time of year. We have several projects happening right now that you can get involved in today. We hope you will stay connected with us throughout the year on our new website. 

The first, and most important, project we are involved in is our continuing ballot access drive. Once again, state law requires us to submit 10,000 signatures of registered Maryland voters in order to maintain our status as a political party. We need you to get involved! Click here to download petitions and watch a video showcasing some of our most experienced petitioners.

We are constantly seeking new volunteers to petition but we are also planning to hire professional signature gatherers to supplement our efforts.

Please click here to make a contribution to help us stay on the ballot!

We are holding our mail-in primary election for several 2014 candidates for local, state, and federal elections. Visit this page to see if you are eligible to participate in this year's Green Party primary vote. 

Our 2014 Annual Assembly will be held Saturday, May 31st in Takoma Park. Our program will begin at 10am at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church. We will be meeting Green candidates for public office and holding panels on resolving economic inequality and strengthening our alliances with unions. Visit this page for more details. 

Of course, we need your help to fund all of these projects, help more candidates run for office, and promote our activities to voters and potential new members. We hope you will make a contribution today to support our mission. 

Click here to make a contribution today!

Thank you, 

The Maryland Green Party