Maryland Green Party 2019 Assembly Voting Procedure
To Comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Maryland Green Party
- Officer Nomination Process
1A. Timeline. Nomination forms must be submitted to the Coordinating Council (C.C.) no later than one week prior to the starting date of the Assembly(June 1st, 2019). Nominations that fail to meet this deadline may qualify for write-in status.
2A. Qualifications. Candidates must be at least 16 years of age and registered Green in the State of Maryland.
3A. Nominations. To be nominated as a candidate on the Assembly ballot for party officer elections, the candidate must be nominated by another registered Green. Alternatively, a candidate may self-nominate, with the support of at least one other registered Green.
4A. Elections. Officers will be elected, as specified by our bylaws, through “proportional or preference balloting.” Ranked Choice Voting / Instant Runoff Voting will be used to comply with the bylaws. All registered Greens in the State of Maryland may vote in officer elections.
5A. Absentee Ballots. For registered Greens unable to attend the Assembly, an opportunity to vote in officer elections will be provided to them no later than June 2nd, These absentee ballots may come in the form of either an online ballot, a mailed ballot, or a ballot administered by local chapters. The security of all options will be evaluated by the C.C. to determine which will be used for the Assembly. An effort will be made to include Greens abroad.
- Assembly Voters
1B. Eligibility. Voters must be at least 16 years of age and registered Green in the State of Maryland.
2B. Registration. Voters will be able to participate in same day, on site voter registration at the Assembly.
3B. Verification. All Assembly voters will have their party affiliation checked upon registration.
- Green National Committee (GNC)
1C. Procedure. The process established in section A to elect party officers will be applied in the election of Delegates to the GNC.
2C. Alternates. For each Delegate there is an Alternate Delegate. In the past, the losing candidates for Delegate effectively were elected as Alternate Delegate. This practice shall continue to fill vacant Alternate Delegate seats, in which no candidates were nominated specifically for the Alternate Delegate position.