October 2023 CC Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Mary Rooker (Co-Chair), Tim Willard (Treasurer), Brian Bittner (Secretary), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Harry Isaksson (At-Large Delegate), Bill Barry (Baltimore City Local Delegate), Nancy Wallace (Montgomery County Local Delegate), David Tibbetts (At-Large Delegate), Andy Ellis (Observer), Moshe Landman (Observer)

Meeting commenced at 7:07 PM. 

No additions to tonight's agenda. Minutes of the September meeting were approved. 

Treasurer's Report

State Account (SECU)
Donations:  12 recurring $180 (increase of $17), 1 one time $25 (decline of $495).  
Total donations $205
Expenditures.  Salary $1000.
Balance as of Sept. 1:  $9,170.93

Federal Account (M&T Bank)
Donations: 2 recurring, $40
Expenditures: Loomio, $10
Balance as of Sept 1: $1637

Kevin Zeese Legal Defense Fund is maintained in the SECU account. 

Officers Report 

Co-Chair (Mary) - nothing to report
Co-Chair (Charlotte) - not present tonight

Delegates Report 

Harry - petitioning event at University of Maryland College Park campus went well.
Renaud - continuing to work on his campaign for City Council.  

Local Reports

Baltimore City (Bill) - petitioning events were held on the weekend of 9/30 as well as farmers' markets. Andy reports that the quarterly Membership meeting will be this Sunday, new Steering Committee election to be held. Platform is the process of development and the Local is considering holding a year-end party. 

Montgomery County (Nancy) - held a petitioning event at UM, next one to be held tomorrow 10/25. At least fifty signatures were collected in a five hour timeframe. Tim reports that the BACC (Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition) is working to identify and return bones that were discovered in a storage unit. Members of the Local will be protesting outside of a Democratic Party fundraiser this weekend. 

MGP Committees

Ballot Access Committee: much has changed since last meeting, Cornel West campaign is no longer offering any support. Andy Messick has resigned from the Ballot Access Coordinator position. Andy E. has decided to step away from some of the project management responsibilities he has taken on. 

The Committee is planning an e-mail outreach to the Cornel West volunteers the party has received prior to him leaving the GP race. GPUS has provided some additional names to which the Committee will reach out. 

Last year the CC had agreed to a fundraising plan to raise approximately $20K to fund signature gatherers. Work needs to be done towards this goal. The party also needs to continue to seek out individuals who will collect signatures. 

Bylaws Committee: no meetings scheduled yet, no proposed amendments under consideration

Electoral Committee: meeting to be held Wednesday October 25

Finance Committee: no report

Membership Committee: no report

National Committees

Animal Rights: no report

Black Caucus: no report

Lavender Caucus: no report

Green National Committee: 

1159 - Accreditation of South Dakota Green Party (adopted)
1163 - Mock Ranked Choice Vote for Proposal 1161: Mock Election of Green Party Soup Ingredients (test of GPUS's ranked choice election system)

Platform Committee: amendments are being submitted, amendments open until February 2024 

Ballot Access Committee: the Committee met to regroup after Cornel West's exit from the GP race, other states are actively petitioning, the Committee is meeting to reassess priorities 

Old Business 

Communications process (Brian): Brian will put forward a proposal to create an ad-hoc Communications Committee until the party can amend its bylaws to create a permanent Communications Committee

New Business

Ballot access actions (Andy): The Committee would like to discuss creating an expectation that all local/state candidates provide time, money, and people to the ballot access effort. The Committee also suggests focusing spending of party money on people assigned to collect signatures rather than on people assigned to coordinate. The Committee also suggests focusing on recruiting high-volume signature gatherers, noting that managing ten people committed to collecting a hundred signatures each is easier than managing a hundred people collecting ten signatures each. No objections were raised to any of these suggestions from the Ballot Access Committee. 

Complaint against Moshe Landman: Neither Charlotte nor Moshe on the call to discuss this issue, issue is tabled. 

Next meeting will be held November 28. Final meeting of the year will be held December 19. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.