Attendees: Mary Rooker, Charlotte McBrearty, Brian Bittner, Tim Willard, Bill Barry, Nancy Rooker, Moshe Landman, Renaud Brown, Harry Isaksson
The meeting commenced at 7:07pm. Attendees on the call introduced themselves.
Officer Reports
Mary/Charlotte: no specific items to report
Tim: income remains steady at approximately $200/month; $9,300 in state account, $1,600 in federal account
Brian: draft minutes of last meeting were posted
Minutes of the October meeting were approved.
Local Reports
Baltimore (Bill, Brian): the BGP held a Steering Committee election for the next year; Year-End Party planned for December 13
Montgomery County (Nancy): a bill is upcoming to allow RCV in local Montgomery County elections; BACC is holding an event January 9, they will organize a bus for attendees
Committee Reports
Ballot Access Committee: Committee wants to shift much of the work of petitioning to campaigns, Nancy's campaign is about to launch and will contribute; Tim has volunteered to verify and clean up petitions
Bylaws: meetings to start in 2024
Electoral: report on latest contacts with Presidential candidate hopefuls, Electoral Committee
Finance: looking to reconvene committee
National Committees
Animal Rights: no current plans
Black Caucus: no report
Lavender Caucus: no report
Diversity Committee: recently held events in support of Transgender Day of Remembrance
Platform Committee: taking proposals, deadline is January 31st
National Committee Votes (sent via e-mail)
New Business
Communications Committee proposal: to be posted to listserv for discussion
Assembly discussion: Baltimore local is interested in hosting, asking the state party to make decision on host local soon
Complaint against Moshe: Charlotte would like to bring complaints regarding social media posts and other public statements to the Conflict Resolution Group
Action item: the Conflict Resolution Group must be constituted and take action
Next meeting: December 19
Meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.