As people of conscience, the Maryland Green Party opposes discrimination against anyone regardless of nationality, religion, or race, and respects and values cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity. Therefore we encourage all Marylanders to reject this most recent display of racist and discriminatory action by the Trump Administration, and to call on the President to rescind this unconstitutional and immoral ban against immigrants.
President Trump’s anti-immigrant, religiously persecutive travel ban redux is simply another version of the same discriminatory and hateful executive order that our courts and justice system rejected time and again last month as being unlawful and unconstitutional. Separating families and communities, sowing false stereotypes about immigrants and people of color, Trump’s ban impacts students, doctors, and researchers and their potential contributions to this nation in the tech industry, in science, in academia, and in medicine. It scapegoats and criminalizes immigrants who work hard to provide the best life possible for their families and help build our communities. The Islamophobic rhetoric only ignites hate that had not before existed, forces unnatural divisions among us, and drowns us in unfounded fear.
Even more inhumane, the refusal of all refugees and turning away of desperate families seeking safe haven from war and violence is unconscionable. After having already gone through extensive, years-long approval processes, these families will be sent back to refugee camps and dangerous situations. The ban will result in more preventable deaths and tragedies, and prevent emergency care to children and their families.
The Maryland Green Party calls on all Marylanders of conscience to reject Trump's second attempt at a racist and unjust, anti-immigrant and Islamophobic travel ban.