The Maryland Green Party fully supports and affirms feminism and trans rights. We emphasize our commitment to the Green Party of the United States’ platform planks regarding social justice. We support “full legal and political equality for all persons regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity, characteristics, and expression”.
This includes a “full recognition of the civil rights of sexual and gender minorities” and the “prohibition of discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity, characteristics, and expression.”
The Maryland Green party further “affirms the right of all of persons to self-determination with regard to gender Identity and Sex.”
The Maryland Green Party is “committed to establishing relationships that honor diversity; that support the self-definition and self-determination of all people; that consciously confront the barriers of racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, class oppression, ageism, and ableism, and the many ways that our culture and laws separate us from working together.”