Lavender Greens


The Maryland Green Party's Lavender caucus is the affinity group for LGBTQIA+ Greens in Maryland. 

The Green Party has always stood for the rights of queer people since the party's inception decades ago. Greens have always been willing to go against the grain to stand up for what is right, unlike the Democratic Party. This respect and solidarity Greens have shown to their fellow ostracized friends, family, and others in the community, is a reflection of what this caucus is all about:

We are fighting to assure that government upholds the basic human rights of all peoples. We Greens recognize the complexity in how the various struggles intersect. Our caucus' primary focus is on the issues related to the LGBTQIA+ community. However, we will always speak out and stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies fighting for racial justice, indigenous justice, immigration justice, youth justice, labor justice, environmental justice, economic justice, and many other struggles.


To get involved with the Lavender Greens at this time, join our Facebook Group.


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Check out the National Lavender Green Caucus.