June 25, 2024
Attendees: Brian Bittner (Chair), Tim Willard (Treasurer), Bill Barry (Baltimore City Delegate), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Nancy Wallace (Montgomery County Delegate), Andy Ellis (Observer), Anne Wilcox (Observer), David Tibbetts (At-Large Delegate)
Old Business
Assign Delegates for GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention: Andy Ellis, Renaud Brown, Moshe Landman, John Robison, David Tibbetts have volunteered. These delegates are approved by consensus.
Conflict Resolution Group: Dana Polson and John Robison have confirmed their interest in volunteering, Mary Rooker also has expressed interest
Review of MGP decisions: 1. "Open Letter to Uncommitted Movement" was approved and published; 2. 6/10 emergency action at Curtis Bay was endorsed
Ballot Access Drive: Almost 7,000 signatures in hand, $9,000 in bank account available to pay petitioners, $4,000 additional promised by GPUS; several petitioners are working regularly on Montgomery County; an online form has been set up to format online signatures, almost 100 has come in through that form; volunteers are making phone calls to contacts to ask them to fill out the form and do ballot access work; two students are collecting at $3.50 per signature
New Business
Green National Committee: many proposals up for discussion and vote, most of them are for election of functionaries for the Presidential Nominating Convention and approval of platform amendments; GPUS proposals are available for view at https://secure.gpus.org/cgi-bin/vote/index
Discussion - Join the Curtis Bay Coalition: proposal to join coalition to be worked on, forthcoming
Banners: Andy has one, Montgomery County has one; Brian is willing to take possession of materials for centralized storage
MGP Primary Election: scheduled to begin July 2 and close July 25; any interested candidates have until July 1 to meet the state deadline for declaring intent; Andy and Mary have agreed to administer the MGP primary election
Legal Requirements for Presidential Campaign: Brian and Andy to meet with Allen Norfleet from the State Board of Elections to discuss upcoming deadlines and requirements; may need volunteers to serve as Electors for the Presidential nominee
Volunteer Coordination: there are many activist communities that we can work to increase viability in; buttons were very popular at the Pride events, we could get a button maker; we are in need of people to individually contact volunteers when we receive their information, this can be done on a regional basis; an overall strategic retreat is still on the back burner, this would help us determine our focus for outreach and recruiting volunteers; a legislative agenda could help improve visibility and volunteers
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