January 2024 CC Meeting Minutes

MGP Coordinating Council Meeting
January 23, 2024

Attendees: Mary Rooker (Co-Chair), Charlotte McBrearty (Co-Chair), Brian Bittner (Secretary), Tim Willard (Treasurer), Bill Barry (Baltimore City), Nancy (Montgomery County Delegate), John Robison (Parliamentarian), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Harry Isaksson (At-Large Delegate), Andy Ellis (Observer)

With seven members in attendance, quorum is met. 

Meeting commenced at 7:11 PM with member check-ins.
Agenda approved with no additions. 

Officer Reports

Mary: made updates to the Candidates page on mdgreens.org

Charlotte: posting occasional updates to MGP Facebook page, others can send information to Charlotte for posting

Brian: draft minutes of December CC meeting was posted to CC listserv; new page set up for CC meeting minutes; archive list of CC decisions next to be updated   
Tim: financial report was posted to CC listserv, starting to see signs of increased donations

Loomio Decisions

Proposal to Create Communications Committee: passed

Endorsement of HoCo statement: passed

Local Reports

Baltimore City: working to get more people involved in signature gathering, a few new people have indicated interest, the local is planning a petitioning workshop soon

Montgomery County: State Supreme Court held hearing on BACC (Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition), after party was held in DC with appearance from Jill Stein; Montgomery County hopes to propose language regarding Black cemeteries for the GPUS platform

Committee Reports

Ballot Access: Harry has been working on collecting petitions, inclement weather has made it difficult, working on exploring new areas for signatures; Montgomery County has been posting ads for paid petitioners online, 10-15 people have responded, some with experience, Andy has loaded new ballot access contacts into Nationbuilder, have been in contact with Stein campaign regarding volunteers

Rules and Bylaws: Mary and Charlotte volunteer in addition to Brian and John

Communications: Renaud volunteers in addition to Bill and Brian 

Electoral Committee: three candidates have qualified for our ballot, there are still several months for candidates to meet the qualifications 

Finance: no report

Meetings and Assemblies: the committee needs to be reactivated; Andy reports that a venue in Baltimore County through CCBC is available for any weekend in April, May, or June; Andy suggests that as early as possible a date is preferable; Mary notes that some bylaws requirements must be met sixty days before the assembly so a decision on a date should be made soon

Membership: working on phone banking; discussion on attempts to engage additional members in ballot access work, suggestion that interested members find time to have a separate meeting focused on sharing ideas about this issue

GPUS Committees

Animal Rights: the committee is submitting platform amendment to GPUS regarding regenerative agriculture

Black Caucus: the caucus reports that Jasmine Sherman reports unpleasant experiences running for the GPUS nomination

Coordinated Campaign Committee: Andy Ellis was recently elected to the committee; Nancy previously served as is thanked for her service; other members were elected to the committee

Diversity Committee: the committee has had difficulties with internal organization but has put on interesting program as of late

Lavender C: no report

National Committee: 

Platform Committee: receiving proposed amendments, hoping to wrap up the process by 1/31/24

Women's Caucus: having trouble finding new leadership to take on additional work

Old Business

Re-activate Meetings and Assembly Committee: plan to work as ad-hoc working group; Baltimore City members will coordinate with MGP leadership

Proposal to pay $3.50 per petition signature: proposal will be submitted to Loomio for a vote  

Complaint against Moshe: Moshe responded to the Co-Chairs request to remove certain social media posts and the MGP logo from his social media account; he has since replaced the MGP logo on his account with the Green Party of the United States' logo; the Co-Chairs will further communicate with Moshe that he should not use the national party logo or Montgomery County Green Party logo 

BACC GPUS platform proposal: the wording of the proposed amendment will be posted to the CC listserv for discussion before a vote on Loomio; the deadline for submission to GPUS is 1/31/24

Sign on to letter in support of Reclaim Renewable Energy Act 2024 (HB166/SB146): because the deadline for signing on in time for recognition at the EHE Committee hearing is tomorrow, the sign-on was approved by consensus with no further action

Authorization/publication for MGP speakers: request that non-candidate individuals representing the MGP at hearings or public events have their comments published on the party website

MGP actions in responses to endorsed rallies: request that "When the MGP endorses events... the MGP should send out a news announcement, an e-mail blast, and social media posts announcing it and encouraging Greens to attend, make banners available to members who want to display it, instruct the Ballot Access Committee to notify volunteers and try to have a petitioner or several at the event". 

Purchasing a banner with the party's Palestine platform: Andy will research designs and prices under $250, the Treasurer has discretion to approve this expenditure

The next meeting will be held February 27, 2024.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM.