Dear Supporter,
Last weekend was the Green Party's national meeting in Salem, Massachusetts. Several Maryland Greens were there to share notes on strategy and hear about projects Greens around the country are working on. One goal the party has set is to get our Presidential nominee on the ballot in all fifty states and DC!
For the first time in nearly twenty years, the Maryland Green Party is on the outside looking in. After losing ballot status last year, we have to submit 10,000 valid signatures by next summer to nominate a Presidential candidate in 2020 and candidates for local office in 2020 and 2022.
We have a plan, but we need your help. Part of our strategy is to hire a part-time ballot access coordinator to collect signatures, coordinate volunteers working throughout the state, and work with local parties to make our ballot access drive as efficient as possible. Because of your past support we are in good shape to make this hire, but we need to budget to make sure we can pay a coordinator throughout the rest of the year.
We need to raise $1,000 in the next week so we can hire a ballot access coordinator to make sure the Maryland Green Party gets back on the ballot for 2020 and 2022. Can you make a contribution today?
You can also help us hire more staff and invest in long-term projects by making a monthly pledge. Click here to make a monthly contribution to support the long-term growth of the Maryland Green Party.
Thank you for your support! Since the MGP was established, we've never missed an election. With your help, we will keep our streak alive and give voters the choices they want in 2020 and 2022.