Attention Maryland Greens
The Maryland Green Party ANNUAL ASSEMBLY and PRESIDENTAL NOMINATING CONVENTION is on SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016, from 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Location: Liberty Elementary Rec & Tech Center 3901 Main Avenue Baltimore, MD 21207
Please RSVP!
The Annual Assembly includes workshops, speakers and the election of Officers of the MGP. Please contact Michael Cornell,[email protected], if you are interested in any of these Officer positions: Co-Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Membership Coordinator, Delegate to the GPUS.
Green Party Presidential Election
The Presidential Nominating Convention is the final opportunity for Maryland Greens to cast their ballot in the Presidential race. Based on the percentage that each candidate receives, we will apportion a total of 6 delegates. We will caucus at the Convention to decide who will be the 6 delegates to represent the Maryland Green Party delegation at the GPUS Convention on August 4 – 7 in Houston, Texas.
These Green Party Presidential Candidates will appear on the MGP ballot:
1. Darryl Cherney
2. Raymond Haigood
3. William Kreml
4. Elijah Manley
5. Kent Mesplay
6. Jill Stein
7. Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry