GPUS Delegate Plan and Rules

Maryland Green Party Plan for Delegate Appointment: 

After acknowledging the apportionment of five delegates to Maryland, the party held an online primary election open to all individuals affiliated with the Green Party. These are individuals registered as "Other-Green" or affiliated with the Green Party and registered as "Other Parties" (due to technical limitations of the State Board of Election system). The primary election included three candidates who met our established criteria (Jill Stein, Jasmine Shemrman, and Jorge Zavala) as well as None of the Above. Based on the results of the primary election, all five of Maryland's delegates were awarded to Jill Stein. In messages to our Coordinating Council listserv, other available online forums, and personal conversations we sought out individuals willing to volunteer to serve as delegates. Five volunteers came forward to serve as delegates.


Delegates are pledged to cast votes for the candidate for which they volunteered as delegates in the first round of voting at the Presidential Nominating Convention. If additional rounds of voting are necessary, Delegates may consult with the candidate to which they were pledged in the first round and/or the entire Maryland delegation to determine their selections in further rounds.