Attendees: Mary Rooker (Co-Chair), Charlotte McBrearty (Co-Chair), Brian Bittner (Secretary), Tim Willard (Treasurer), David Tibbetts (At-Large Delegate), Bill Barry (Baltimore City Local Delegate), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Nancy Wallace (Montgomery County Local Delegate), Harry Isaksson (At-Large Delegate) joined mid-call
With eight CC members present at start, a quorum was established.
Meeting began at 7:08 PM.
Officer's Reports
Chairs (Mary/Charlotte): no reports
Secretary (Brian): minutes of November's meeting were sent to listserv
Treasurer (Tim): working on an amended report to the FEC, will send specifics of bank accounts to the listserv
Andy Ellis approved to run for Coordinated Campaign Committee: 7 approvals, 1 opposed, 2 not voting
Local Reports
Baltimore: a year-end party was held on December 13, nine people attended including new potential volunteers; BGP Steering Committee elections are open for nominations in January; the BGP platform will be up for a vote in January; the upcoming BGP meeting schedule including new volunteer meetings to be released soon
Montgomery County (Tim): discussed hiring experienced petitioners, committed to hire Harry to petition out of local funds, Harry is also trained to verify petitions using SBE website; BACC hearing coming up in January
At-Large Delegates
David: Western Maryland members are isolated, many climate activists are focusing on Baltimore and DC Metro companies
Renaud: no report
Committee Reports
Ballot Access Committee: petition has been updated with new address; in search of new volunteers to petition, looking to organize campaign around low signature goals over a long period of time; Harry has joined the committee and is working to collect signatures; Mary is also volunteering to verify signatures
Rules and Bylaws
To be formed in early 2024.
Electoral Committee
E-mail informing member of our process was sent 11/20/23
Jasmine Sherman is now listed on candidate's page
Jill Stein has sent materials for qualification for our primary ballot
Finance: Needs to reconvene.
GPUS Committees
Animal Rights: Looking to submit GPUS platform proposals
CCC: Nancy's term is over end of December, Andy is up for election
Diversity Committee: no report
Lavender Caucus: no report
Platform Committee: considering extending the deadline for submissions
Women's Caucus: no news
National Committee
Proposal 1165 (Apportionment) passed: Maryland will drop to two standing NC delegates and will have five delegates to the 2024 PNC
Proposal 1166 (Floor Manager Settings for Ranked Choice Votes) failed
Prosodal 1167 (Election of Green Party Senate Campaign Committee) was completed
Proposal 1168 was completed: the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention will be held virtually July 11-14
Old Business
Communications Committee Proposal: no objections to the proposal, Brian to put proposal on Loomio for a vote
New Business
Sign on to Howard County for a Free Palestine's First Amendment/Palestinian Solidarity statement - no objections to putting the statement up for a vote of support
Discussions between Moshe Landman and the party over several concerns. Mary, Tim and Nancy have requested to discuss some issues with Moshe, but he has declined.
CC members will continue to work to convene the standing Conflict Resolution Group.
A bylaws amendment can clarify expectations of candidates for upcoming election cycles, particularly the need to establish a campaign finance entity.
Mary and Charlotte will officially request that Moshe cease using the MGP logo until the nomination is concluded.
Next meeting is January 23, 2024.
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.