August 2023 CC Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2023 

Attendance: Mary Rooker (Chair), Charlotte McBready (Chair), Brian Bittner (Observer/Secretary), David Tibbets (At-Large Delegate), Tim Willard (Treasurer), Bill Barry (Baltimore City Delegate), John Robison (Parliamentarian), Nancy Wallace (Montgomery County Delegate), Renaud Brown (At-Large Delegate), Andy Ellis (Observer)

Approval of July 2023 meeting minutes:

With no modifications, the minutes of the July 2023 meeting were approved. 

Co-Chair report (Mary): Mary thanks Renaud for his service as a NC Delegate and welcomes him and Andrew Messick as new alternate Delegates to the Green National Committee, as well as the four new At-Large CC Delegates. 

The party will be holding a ballot access training event on 8/29/23.

Co-Chair report (Charlotte): nothing to add to Mary's report

Secretary's report: July minutes taken by Mary have been approved, Brian Bittner appointed as Secretary with no objections. 

Treasurer's report: just over $6000 in state account, $1700 in federal account. A pledge of $3,000 from GPUS for ballot access support is anticipated.  

Local reports: 

Baltimore City: Curtis Bay anti-coal actions are continuing, members of the group are planning direct action activities. The Baltimore City local platform process is ongoing, local SC elections will be happening later this year, and three ballot access events are being planned for September.

Montgomery County: local picnic is upcoming 9/24, local members will be petitioning at several events in September and October in Kensington, Greenbelt, and Takoma Park

Committee reports:

Ballot Access: the committee is now meeting twice monthly. Andy Messick is managing volunteers and doing regular petitioning, committee is planning volunteer meetings to introduce new petitioning volunteers and get updates from current volunteers

Cornel West campaign is sending the party names of volunteers regularly, the committee will ask any other Presidential candidates to share information.

The committee is sending fundraising messages, and has raised approximately $250 so far.

The committee has identified a volunteer to help develop an online petition verification process, members of the committee are working to develop this procedure.
Bylaws: Mary gave a background of the rules and procedures available on the MGP website for new CC members (

Electoral: Brian reported on the recent Special Election, all candidates for At-Large Delegates and Alternate CC Delegates were elected.

Membership: currently not active. Renaud, Bill and others willing to do work to reach out to members.

Finance: no report

GPUS Committees and Caucuses

Animal Rights: the committee gave a presentation at the recent GPUS Annual National Meeting.

Black Caucus: the caucus gave a presentation at the recent GPUS Annual National Meeting.

Lavender Caucus: no report

Green National Committee: recent GPUS votes have occurred: 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154 (further information on specific proposals and the Maryland delegates votes are at

Platform Committee: the committee is meeting soon to begin the GPUS platform amendment process.

Charlotte would like to be appointed to the Diversity Committee. 

New Business

Communications Policy: an initial discussion was held on creating a policy for developing and delivering official MGP communications. CC members were asked to send ideas on the MGP's communication priorities to the listserv for discussion. 
Prince George's County: based on recent bylaws changes PG County is no longer entitled to a CC delegate but there is no procedure in the bylaws for un-recognizing a Local chapter recognized by Section 4.2(b) of the bylaws. Efforts will be made to organize Greens in Prince George's County in the upcoming months. 

Charlotte was appointed to the GPUS Diversity Committee with no objections. 

A general concern was raised with the need to use the party's decision-making process and general unclarity about when it should be used. It was agreed to bring stakeholders including the Parliamentarian together to discuss the use of the process. 

The December CC meeting was rescheduled to December 19, 2023. Upcoming meetings are: 

September 26, 2023
October 24, 2023
November 28, 2023
December 19, 2023

Meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.