2022 Officer Elections

Published June 12, 2022

These candidates won election as of June 12, 2022:

  • Co-Chair Charlotte McBrearty
  • Recording Secretary Mary Rooker
  • National Committee Delegates Devonie Doles and Mary Rooker

Voting occurred between May 22 and June 12. Some seats had no candidates. Per MGP bylaws 5.2.3, if a seat remains unfilled after the election, nominations shall immediately re-open for that position and remain open for 30 days. None of the candidates previously listed on the ballot for that position shall be eligible to be nominated. A new election shall take place, following all the rules outlined in Article 5 of the MGP bylaws.

New Call for Candidates to Fill Vacancies

Nominations are being accepted through July 12, 2022 for the following positions:

  • Co-Chair (2nd position)
  • Membership Coordinator (One Position)
  • Treasurer (One Position)
  • Delegate to the National Committee (One Position)
  • Alternate Delegate to the National Committee (Three Positions)

Details of Officer Duties


  • share responsibility for facilitating all MGP Assemblies and Coordinating Council meetings,
  • carry out much of the day-to-day administrative work and ensure that work gets done,
  • are the main public spokespersons for the MGP, and
  • serve on one or more committees.


  • maintains the financial books of the MGP,
  • works with the finance committee to develop a budget,
  • files all necessary election reports and forms to comply with federal and state election laws in a timely manner,
  • maintains all bank and financial accounts for the organization, and
  • makes a public accounting of the finances of the organization at each MGP Assembly for the period since the last MGP Assembly.

Membership Coordinator

  • maintains the contact information of all members and Locals for the purposes of communicating with members and Locals and
  • with the assistance of the Membership Committee, organizes efforts to recruit and retain members.

Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the GPUS

  • track discussions at the national level,
  • seek input from and report back to the MGP on these discussions and issues, and
  • delegates vote on issues brought before the National Committee; alternates vote if a delegate cannot.