2019 State Assembly
June 8, 2019 10am - 3:30pm Hosted by the Baltimore County Green Party
Towson Branch of the Baltimore County Library 320 York Rd Towson, MD 21204
9am: Organizers arrive, set-up
9:30am: Registration opens
10:15am: Welcome, introductory remarks (Renaud Brown, Baltimore County Green Party)
10:20am: Floor nominations
10:30am: Close nominations for party officers, comments from
11am: Distribution of Maryland Green Party officer ballots
Nominations include:
Co-Chair (2): Anokwale Anansesemfo and Andy Ellis
Membership Coordinators (2): Bill Barry and Steve Wollett
Treasurer (1): Brian Bittner
National Delegates (2): Tim Willard and Margaret Flowers
Secretary (1):
11:05am: Petition drive: notes on best practices (Tim Willard, Montgomery County Green Party)
11:20am: Growth of the Green Party within the African American Community with Anokwale Anansesemfo of the Baltimore Coutny Green Party
11:35am: Discussion and decision on bylaws re-write and fall bylaws assembly with Andy Ellis of the Baltimore City Green Party
11:45-11:55am Recruiting local candidates - the nuts and bolts, Eastern Shore expansion Review of strategic planning goals and engagement
11:55-12pm National Assembly: organize Carpool and rooming efforts with Renaud Brown of the Baltimore County Green Party
12 noon: All party officer ballots due
12-1: Potluck lunch, networking, officer election tabulation
12:30-1pm 5 minute open mic updates on Party activities
1pm: Announcement of results of officer elections
1:00-2:15pm: Candidates seeking the Green Party nomination for President of the United States (10 minutes each for live speakers):
Ian Schlakman https://www.schlakman.com/
Dennis Lambert https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/16718
Dario Hunter www.dariohunter.com
Howie Hawkins https://howiehawkins.us/
Videos from Roland Aranjo https://www.linkedin.com/in/roland-g-aranjo-66a08b18/
2:15-2:45pm: Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective: A panel presentation by Baltimore City Green Party activists: Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers, and Richard Ochs
2:45-3:00: Closing remarks
3:10-3:35: Clean up and exit